Saturday, December 22, 2007

Strange Weather in space.-The discovery of Ion Plumes.

Something abnormal is disturbing the electrical equilibrium in the Atmospheric Space(the Ionosphere to be specific) above Africa of late. Just last week scientists from around the world gathered together at Addis Ababa(the capital of Ethiopia) to discuss what could be doing this.-(This was called the “Africa Space Weather Workshop, November 12th 2007,” organized primarily under the auspices of the International Heliophysical Year,2007, which is being organized symbolically on the Golden Jubilee of the International Geophysical Year,1957).

They ended up with a proper name for this strange phenomenon they had seen of late.-They called it an Ion Plume!

This strange new phenomenon that we have now begun to call an ion plume is basically a newly discovered form of space weather. The plumes are somewhat like smoke billowing out of a factory smokestack—except instead of ordinary ash and dust, ion plumes are made of electrified gas (or actually better decribed as IONIZED gas, to maintain the lingo) floating so high above the ground that they come in contact with space itself.They appear during geomagnetic storms (basically Coronal bursts or CMEs as we otherwise call them) and they can interfere with satellite transmissions, airline navigation and radio communications, i.e. to say basically any mode of transmission where the accuracy of the information/data that is being encoded in electromagnetic waves is being made use of.

These Ion plumes that we are intending to monitor(listen in on & subsequently track) using receivers(generally GPS is used) inhabit a layer of the Earth's atmosphere called the Ionosphere, a broad region extending from 85 km to 600 km above ground level to outer Space, where ultraviolet radiation from the sun knocks electrons off atoms and molecules, creating a layer of ionized gas or plasma surrounding our entire planet. As ham(amateur radio relay) radio operators have known for nearly a century, the ionosphere can bend, distort, reflect and even absorb radio waves. Plumes amplify these effects.Thus exhibiting characteristics that allow for their detection.

These plumes were basically first detected due to the effect they produced on GPS signals.This led to their discovery not too long back.– couple of years to be precise as GPS was not in widespread civilian use before that.
As one would expect, due to the abundance of GPS receivers in the North American continent, this was where they were first detected.

But now, if you notice carefully, there is still something critical missing in my description of this Plume phenomenon in my post.-While I gave the analogy of smoke billowing out of a smokestack, I have still not been able to give you a description of the smokestack.In other words, you've seen the smoke, but where is the smokestack that I referred to previously?-The search to explain this anomaly, that has not yet been completely explained even by the scientists, is leading a whole lot of scientists to Africa.-As I mentioned before, this weird form of space weather that was unknown to us before has been observed in abundance of late over the continental landmass of Africa.

Now as it turns out, most of the scientists who have been working on this have now begun to believe that the source of the plumes is near the Earth's magnetic equator.This includes one particularly interesting Bengali girl from Calcutta,India whose research work summary on the subject I directly looked through while preparing my post.She is NASA heliophysicist Lika Guhathakurta (otherwise also called “Madhulika” affectionately by those in the astronomy community).(who is also attending the Workshop I previously described).When asked, why Africa?, she quite frankly explains to everyone that Africa is a great place to check this possibility(the theory of origin of the plumes at the Earth’s magnetic Equator) because the magnetic equator passes directly over the sub-Sahara.But there is a problem of practicality in doing this as there are just not enough sensors in Africa to study this phenomenon. -The sensor of choice is, as indicated by experience from incidents that took place before, the dual-frequency GPS receiver.However, unlike their wealthier counterparts in North America, the Africans have only a few dozen dual frequency GPS receivers in comparison to the thousands of them presently in use in the US alone.And fewer still in sub Saharan Africa. It would not be stretching it too far to say that the purpose of the abovementioned workshop itself was to familiarize the African space scientists with this plume phenomenon and thus encourage them to do the groundwork for a continent-wide GPS network in the hopes of deploying hundreds of thousands of receivers in sub-Saharan Africa in the years to come.(In other words, engineer a revolution in GPS receiver usage in Africa.)

Presently only North America is equipped enough to have a well-mapped Ionosphere in realtime (note:when we say realtime here, we mean = “live”).The NOAA(National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) posts new images every quarter of an hour at their website at . However, the organizers of the workshop have set an aim for themselves that in the next five years they too shall begin making such realtime maps of the ionosphere over Africa.

Now having explained how Africa fits into the bigger picture if you were to begin to wonder why does it have to be Africa only where we have to observe this phenomenon?(because Africa itself has barely any infrastructure for research and observation on this scale!).Why not just wait for the next Ion Plume over a somewhat more wealthier region of the world which might also be on the magnetic equator?! i.e. if you were to wonder, just how important Africa is to the study of this phenomenon.

Then all you have to do is consider the list of organizations who have joined forces to sponsor the Africa Space Weather Workshop: NASA, the NOAA, the National Science Foundation(NSF), the European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (EOARD), the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), and many others.It is widely understood(or better said, Accepted,) that Africa is the key to the puzzle as it is the only place of it’s sort located so perfectly on the Magnetic Equator. Therein lies the dilemma so beautifully poised to us by Mother Nature.

Thus as it turns out Africa is “plasma incognita” as of now.

But it shall not be so for too long. Stay tuned!(specially all the HAMs!)

Surjodeb Basu .(/Dev/Dave)

I am attaching here a picture of a typical example of an Ion Plume.This is the plume of Nov. 20, 2003:(It was observed over North America.-I hav attached the whole description below)

My Description of the above photo: A plume of excess electron density that was observed over North America on Nov. 20, 2003.The plume was discovered and mapped by its effect on GPS signals alone.I got this image from the NASA archives, courtesy of Anthea Coster and John Foster of MIT.

Two days before this map was made, an explosion on the sun had hurled a cloud of magnetized gas—a CME—towards Earth.The plume formed when the CME hit, triggering a strong geomagnetic storm.The plume consisted of ionized air at high altitude moving from Florida to Canada at a speed of 1 km/s (that would be aprrox 2200 mph).

Pls note: 4 this article i hav used as my src reference material that was mostly in the form of Press Releases by the IHY organisation.Any other data that i needed i researched by obtaining from the internet any interviews of people associated with IHY(Mostly NASA people).

ps-the author would like to acknowledge that the writing of this article was inspired largely due to the association of Prof.Madhulika Guhathakurta with research into this new discovery.

Friday, December 21, 2007

was at this end of exam bonfire last night at a friends place.pretty good food and all.but the good part was up there.even thru the lights and the traffic haunted delhi sky i could see a pretty decent part of the sky.well the first thng i noticed was mars..its close and really bright.well i know a lot of people have told u that before but really,if u haven't paid attention now.please do.especially if u have a decent pair of binoculars.well one of the reasons i'm eating up ur head is that mars won't appear this big for the next 16 years.

well there are a lot of other things u can do with this..well u can learn about planetary moton for one by noticing which stars are close to mars every night.u can find mars via The Full Moon On December 23, the Moon sits just 1° from the planet (one degree is equal to 2 Moon-diameters). Observers can also track Mars' westward motion against the stars of Geministars of shown in the pic above..
well do get ur shot at it kyounki kisko pata ka ho naa ho

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Where the aliens(if they exist) might aim… …BULL’s EYE!

The Richat Structure is a rather weirdly prominent, (and might I add, extremely conspicuous) circular feature in the Sahara desert.It is located in Mauritania in continental Western Africa.

Because of it’s rather conspicuous extremely regular circular shape it attracts a lot of attention, primarily from those who observe it from space.This is because due to it’s large size ( a diameter of approximately 50 kilometers[that’s 30 miles!]) it’s regular circular shape become obvious only to those who see it from far far away, or in this case, from high high above.

Though initially most people who saw it used to think of it as a remnant of some sort of meteorite coming crashing down on Earth, in other words an Impact Crater, the geological evidence from the site that has been reexamined recently now suggests (in light of our advances in geological studies since the initial discovery and subsequent research done of the site) that it is actually a symmetrical uplift (i.e. a circular anticline) that has been laid bare by erosion.In other words, the layered sedimentary rocks present at the site are now thought to have been caused by uplifted rocks, that hav since then been moulded by erosion into their present form that we see today.

The other possibility that the circular structure was formed by a volcanic eruption (as is generally the case with structures that hav a central vortex or a conical structure) has now been largely discounted as being impossible due to the lack of presence of any igneous or volcanic rocks at the site.

I surely hope those Martians(if they ever decide to visit Earth)[and might I also add 4 scientific detail, if they exist], choose a better spot than the harsh arid inhospitable region of the Sahara desert to land, if they do decide to ever drop by and say hello to us lonely Earthlings…

Surjodeb Basu .(DEV/DAVE)

I used the following for my research into the topic while writing this article:

“The Ends of The Richat” - Irving Bradford(ebook version was used - Mostly chap.2)

ps- any observations/remarks regarding the structure itself or anything mentioned about it in the article are most welcome.

As a follow up I am also enclosing the Google Earth Placemark Coordinates link 4 Google Earth users:

and the coordinates in general 4 all those who wish to locate it on other maps/satellite imagery by themselves:

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How Far is the Orion Nebula?

You'd think astronomers would have all the key stats on the Orion Nebula (Messier 42) by now. Visible to the unaided eye, this deep-sky showpiece was first studied with a spectroscope in 1864 and first photographed in 1880. It's the first thing many people look at with their first telescope, and the last that William Herschel wanted to see with his last. The nebula has been studied at all wavelengths, harbors many variable stars, and is home to the Trapezium, the best-known multiple star in the sky.

Yet M42's distance was wildly uncertain throughout most of the 20th century, when estimates varied between 600 and 6,500 light-years! In recent years, astronomers have applied sophisticated techniques to gauge the nebula's distance, but the resulting uncertainties remained stubbornly high.Now an international team of radio astronomers has nailed M42's distance — 1,350 light-years — with an uncertainty of less than 2%!

For the full story, go to:

Pic Caption: At the heart of the Great Orion Nebula lies the Trapezium, a tight knot of four stars (at center) visible in small telescopes. One of the radio sources recently measured by radio astronomers is a close companion of the Trapezium's component A, the rightmost star in this view. The other three radio sources are outside the Trapezium itself and don't show up in visible-light photographs like this.
S&T: Sean Walker

Srikumar M. Menon

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Electrifying & Sultry Venus

Venus recently joined the club of planets with electrically active atmospheres, namely Earth, Jupiter and Saturn. The lightning on Venus is peculiar in a way that unlike Earth, where lightning takes place due to water clouds, the cause for lightning on Venus are the clouds of Sulphuric Acid(H2SO4) which fill the planet's atmosphere.

The discovery is very important as lightning is one of the factors that drives planetary chemistry. Also, Venus being a planet with extreme pressures and temperatures, electrical discharge allows the breaking of molecules into fragments and therefore unexpected compounds sprout in the atmosphere.

The findings were reported after the Venus express spacecraft mission collected data using the on-board magnetometer for 2 minutes everyday for the period when the spacecraft was closest to the planet. The magnetometer was provided by the Space Research Institute in Graz, Austria. Another mission scheduled to arrive at the planet is the Japanese mission named the Venus Climate Orbiter(a.k.a. Planet-C) will reinforce the findings of its predecessor.

Despite stark new discoveries, Venus retains its status for being devilish and one should keep the idea of a holiday there out of the sane human mind.

- Ankit Bhatia

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Stars over Manipal...

It's exam time again and all our sky addicts are forced to train their eyes on matters more down-to-earth like textbooks and those endlessly photocopied notes! A pity since some of the best skies are available now... Was at End Point last night and the sky was good despite patches of fluffy cumulus that were scattered here and there in the sky. Comet Holmes is rapidly fading but still is a good target for even a modest pair of binoculars. Some of us had a good discussion about the structure of the Milky Way and about galaxies in general too.

The nights ahead are promising... Let's not waste them. Whenever a few of us get some free time and the night is clear, let us just move off to some reasonably dark site with a pair of binoculars and drink in the night sky!

Wishing you clear skies!

Srikumar M. Menon

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Saturn Mystery!!!!!!

In 1979 the Voyager spacecraft revealed “spokes” in Saturn’s rings. Yet recent images from Cassini have shown no spokes.This lead me to think what happened to the spokes and i finally got the answer.....

These spokes have kept planetary scientists scratching their heads for decades. It’s thought that the spokes are radial fingers of dark, extremely fine dust particles that become electrostatically charged by pulses of energy emanating from Saturn’s interior. Once charged, the dust particles are levitated out of the ring plane by Saturn’s strong magnetic field. They seem to form only in the shadowed (night time) section of the ring system, then come into view as the ring particles rotate into sunlight.

But that’s only an educated guess. “This is one of the biggest mysteries of the solar system,” admits Cassini investigator Alison Farmer. It could be related to the fact that Voyager visited Saturn when the planet’s rings were nearly edge-on to the Sun, whereas now they are tipped wide open. But it may be many years before the phenomenon is completely understood.

If anyone has any more info on the above please do write into me.....

Naval Mahajan ....

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Finding Holmes!

Here is a finder chart to spot Comet Holmes. The Astro Club spotted the faint glow of light in Perseus on the night of 17th November from End Point, with a pair of 10x50 binoculars. We could also faintly make out the glow of the comet with our naked eyes using averted vision... So the rest of you sky-addicts out there, don't miss this celestial repast...!
- Srikumar M. Menon

Saturday, November 17, 2007

On a more earthly note....

For those who enjoy the pleasure of observing a fast moving streak of light far away in the distant sky, an opportunity awaits on the 6th of this December.The next Space Shuttle mission STS-122 is all scheduled to be launched on that date, Carrying with it the ESA's Columbus Science Laboratory(the biggest space lab of it's type till date).The shuttle when launched will be the brightest thing in the sky, 3rd only to The Sun and the Moon, and depending on it's altitude at the time of observation, a little dimmer or brighter than the International Space Station itself. This launch of the space shuttle is coincidentally poised on a path that shall take it straight over India. (In particular, MANIPAL.)

For more details regarding observation timings and celestial coordinates,

You can also get email alerts regarding the Shuttle Transit if you subscribe to

Here's to a beautiful sighting of the Shuttle Transit.(and of course, a starry night sky).
Surjodeb Basu .

Thursday, November 15, 2007

SETI at Home : Did an alien call you?!

This post is a response to one of the comments posted on a previous post. I wish to thank all those who comment on our posts since appreciation and criticism are both welcome and both drive us towards the improvement of the quality of this blog.

Firstly, let me get some things cleared out about SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). When we speak of extraterrestrial intelligence, we completely rule out those forms of extraterrestrial life that have probably recently evolved and are in actual terms not really 'intelligent'. SETI projects necessarily make assumptions to narrow the search, and no exhaustive search has so far been conducted.

SETI@home was launched by U.C. Berkeley in May 1999. It is a distributed computing project and anyone who wishes to contribute to the SETI projects can do so by downloading the SETI@home package available online. The purpose is to run signal analysis on individual computers all over the world to process the data collected and send it back to UC Berkeley.

The data is collected from the Arecibo radio telescope and these signals are then scanned for possible radio transmissions from extraterrestrial intelligence. The process is somewhat like tuning a radio to various channels, and looking at the signal strength meter. If the strength of the signal goes up, that gets attention. The software looks for four signal patterns: triplets (three power spikes in a row), spikes in power spectra, pulsing signals that represent a digital transmission and Gaussian rises and falls in the transmission power. The details about these are extremely technical and are beyond my scope (sorry!).

Seth Shostak, an American astronomer and a prominent SETI figure believes that he will get proof of alien contact in the form of a signal between 2020 and 2025, based on certain calculations he made. Lets hope that really happens (or not! whatever!)..

I would also like to direct you to this link given below, which is an article titled 'SETI: Is it worth it?'. It very aptly and precisely explains why so much effort, time and money is being spent on something like SETI, which most people correctly (I think!) believe is such a long shot.

-Mohit Gidwani

So long, Hubble!

It has always been a delight to look at pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. With its clarity and excellent image quality,it seemed as if there would be no end to it. But in the recent years NASA, in collaboration with European Space Agency and Canadian Space Agency has been working on James Webb Space Telescope. JWST is the successor to HST, to be launched in 2013.
The primary focus of JWST is to observe the luminous glows which originated from The Big Bang and hence improve our understanding of the origin of our Universe. JWST will also play a key role in studying the origins of other galaxies, star formations, creation of heavier chemical elements such as carbon, oxygen and iron as well as origin of life on other planets.
What really surprises me is the fact that even though JWST is a successor to HST, there are major differences among them, the major one being the region of spectrum they observe. JWST will be highly sensitive to infrared rays whereas Hubble focussed mainly on visible radiations. Another difference to note is the size of the mirror which is 6.6m in diameter in the JWST, almost thrice as compared to 2.4m diameter of Hubble. This makes the field of view (region of space looked at) 15 times greater than that of Hubble. Interestingly,the excellent image quality we got from Hubble will be maintained.
All I can imagine is that with such a gigantic telescope extending our reach and revealing the truth behind the origin of Universe, the world of Astronomy surely has a lot to look forward to in the coming years...

Bhaskar Mahajan

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Of Holmes and Watson and dirty iceballs...

Great job, Mohit! Comets are a celestial lottery that we poor earthlings hit a jackpot on rarely in a lifetime. My own interest in astronomy started in 1986 when Comet Halley paid us a visit. This particular comet (Comet Holmes) in Perseus has brightened considerably and we can hope to see it with the naked eye or with modest equipment (like Scopey!) Check out for updates on Holmes! Elementary, dear Watson...!

Srikumar M. Menon

Monday, November 5, 2007

Holmes / Comet 17P

A once in a lifetime event, the explosion of Comet 17P, and its coma (a dust cloud illuminated by the sun) that has grown bigger than Jupiter in size is now visible to the naked eye since it has unexpectedly brightened over the past few weeks... About 12 days ago, it was visible only through a telescope, until it suddenly started expanding after a sudden eruption..
The reason of the eruption is not very clear, however, scientists speculate the comet has exploded because there are sinkholes in its nucleus, giving it a honeycomb-like structure. The collapse exposed comet ice to the sun, which transformed the ice into gas which can now be seen in the from of its coma. The interesting fact to note here is that it lacks a tail, which is usually associated with such celestial bodies..
The easiest way to spot it (i'm kind of playing it fast and loose with the word 'easy' since we hardly get clear skies here at Manipal) is to look towards the constellation Perseus in the northern sky.. The comet appears as a blurry spot of light (about the same brightness as of the stars in the Ursa Major constellation).
It is an absolutely spectacular phenomenon, along the lines of when comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 smashed into Jupiter back in 1994.. So those who are lucky enough to spot it can share their views and comments here..

-Mohit Gidwani

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

well my first entry to this blog..was wondering what is it that would be intriguing enough to catch your attention...well heres something...reading up on news i found this article about moons of Saturn ..well how many do you think there are?...10..12..well they say there are about 60 now...shocking isn't we are worried about the eclipses of our one moon.having superstitons, beliefs,observations,landings or no landings,missions to the moon..imagine keeping up with all of this for 60 moons...yes Cassini the spacecraft, was sent to take images of saturn picked up high resolution images of a moon called s/20074..well not a great name but yeah i don't wanna argue with the international astronomical union.this one's been moving around the planet and is the size of about 4 km in diameter not very big but yeah its there...many of these moons drifting around saturn have been located..cassini is expecting to find more of these the the mission end they're going to be loads i suppose..imagine being asked the name of saturn's moons in a quiz would suggest people to look up this news ..pretty pictures and really cool info..i'm sure u'll never promise your girl the moon again...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Exoplanets and Alien Life

For hundreds of years, man hoped to find some form of life in our Solar System, but sadly, after a lot of research and development and careful scanning and observation, things just didn't seem to fit. Every planet was chalked out for some vital condition that it could not satisfy. However, at this point, what we must realise is that what we are looking for is not some form of civilisation that is alien to us, for all we know of life is the way we humans biologically know it. We can definitely not rule out the possibility of the existence of an alien life form that has a totally different set of conditions to be able to sustain themselves. But, since looking for such forms of life would be nothing less than a wild goose chase, we narrow down our search to only those forms of life that are more or less similar to us biologically.

Once scientists laid down some fundamental basis to define life, and some basic characteristics were identified, they went ahead in the quest to search for life beyond our solar system.

In the simplest terms, an extrasolar planet (also referred to as an exoplanet) is a planet beyond the solar system. As of today, there are 257 exoplanets that have been identified. This count only includes those planets that have been observed to be revolving around particular stars. Rogue planets and interstellar planets are not included in this count.

As far as detection of exoplanets is concerned, direct imaging is not an option. However, a host of other alternative indirect methods are available, including transit method (most commonly used), astrometry, radial velocity or Doppler method (this technique has proved to be the most productive one), eclipsing binary, and many more.

Most exoplanets known today orbit stars very similar to our sun. Firstly, this is because most of these search programs tend to focus on such stars. Secondly, those stars that are of lower mass are less likely to have planets, and even if they do, the planets themselves are quite small and therefore hard to detect. Lastly, the stars that are much hotter than our sun produce a photo-evaporation effect that inhibits planetary formation. Kepler Mission is probably one of the biggest leap that mankind has taken in this direction and it is expected to yield tremendous amounts of information about exoplanets that will take us a step closer to detecting alien life forms.

Detection of life (other than an advanced civilization) at interstellar distances, however, is a tremendously challenging technical task that will not be feasible for many years, even if such life is commonplace. So till then, lets just say, WE RULE THE WORLD...

Image details:

This artist's illustration shows an icy/rocky planet orbiting a dim star. Astronomers detected an extrasolar planet five times as massive as Earth circling a red dwarf, a relatively cool star. The distance between the planet, designated OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb, and its host is about three times greater than that between the Earth and the Sun. The planet's large orbit and its dim parent star make its likely surface temperature a frigid minus 364 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 220 degrees Celsius). OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb looking at it's sun.
Image Source : NASA and the European Space Agency

-Mohit Gidwani


String theory, I think is the theory that has given the idea of unification of all elementary forces under one head, some realistic ground for further investigations and discoveries…this time the discovery not just restricted to our universe or those four dimensions of space time but taking a huge leap in terms of imagination, which this time is mathematically empowered.
The first question that came to my mind when I got to know about this relatively new theory was…”what is a string?”
Now string as a term here is nothing but evolution of the word “particle”.
The particle theory which is widely used, exhausted and of course accepted works well only when the system is taken to be independent of gravity, as it is too weak a force in this frame of reference.
General relativity like no other theory till date, has offered infinite insights into the universe, the orbits of planets, the evolution of stars and galaxies, the big bang and recently observed black holes. However, the theory itself only works when we pretend that the universe is purely classical and that quantum mechanics is not needed.
String theory and the idea of wrapping the microscopic particle into more number of dimensions closes this gap between classical and quantum models.
In String Theory, the myriad of particle types is replaced by a single fundamental building block, a `string'. These strings can be closed, like loops, or open, like a hair. As the string moves through time it traces out a tube or a sheet, according to whether it is closed or open. Furthermore, the string is free to vibrate, and different vibrational modes of the string represent the different particle types, since different modes are seen as different masses or spins. This the basic principle behind the idea of getting strings into the picture of our universe and for that matter(and forces) universes.
To actually take this primeval idea to the extent of unifying all the forces, it became mandatory for the scientists to bring in a multi dimensional system into existence. Gravity the force I guess for which each one of us have already fallen, posed a huge problem with concern to unification.
One of the most remarkable predictions of String Theory is that space-time has ten dimensions! At first sight, this may be seen as a reason to dismiss the theory altogether, as we obviously have only three dimensions of space and one of time. However, if we assume that six of these dimensions are curled up very tightly, then we may never be aware of their existence. Furthermore, having these so-called compact dimensions is very beneficial if String Theory is to describe a Theory of Everything.
But with the all the development in this area, scientists reached the state where ten dimensions were to be handled, nine spatial one being time. This lead to five string theories with not much of co relation.
Before the string theories could go to the dogs, scientists added another dimension to these ten dimensional systems, the eleventh dimension.
And then we got what we now know as M-theory. The theory of membranes.
The tiny invisible strings of String Theory are the fundamental building blocks of all the matter in the Universe, but now, with the addition of the eleventh dimension, they changed. They stretched and they combined. The astonishing conclusion was that all the matter in the Universe was connected to one vast structure: a membrane. In effect our entire Universe is a membrane.
Then it became very easy to imagine a “world” with many such membranes, having parallel existence. As beautifully said by the renowned scientists Paul Steinhardt and Michio Kaku… there have been other universes existing throughout just that we never thought of it. While some of these universes may be working on completely different set of laws, some of them are bound to resemble ours.
Gravity which as we is the weakest force in “this” universe might just turn out to be pretty strong in some other universe.
Scientists are now heading towards solving the puzzle behind this weak force.
Is gravity leaking from our universe through the empty spaces between the eleven dimensions or has it been seeping all this while into our universe from another membrane close by?
With the idea of eleven dimensions now, we can actually believe to have an existence at some tail end of the force of gravity.
This thought is so astonishing and intriguing that any person on earth would love to know more.
The big bang then actually turns out be an event in this entire string of existence.
Lumps of matter are thought to have come into existence by interaction of two or more membranes. These membranes actually ripple and this interaction in terms of energy leads to creation of other universes or potential universes.
The journey from the string theory to the parallel universes via M-theory is full of fascinations and anticipations and like any other theory..assumptions.
This theory has now brought us to the pinnacle of imagination coming true with time machines actually being worked out on the principle of parallel existence of membranes, forces, matter and events.
I just hope that all that this theory says turns out to be true…and I really wish all those key people, scientists involved in this pursuit of “everything” a very good luck for all times and dimensions to come!!!

-kuhu shukla